Cortex — Advancing stem cell therapies to treat epilepsy.

Cortex is a research lab investigating the use of neural stem cells to treat epilepsy. We develop animal models of epilepsy to test transplanting stem cells into the brain. Our goals are to suppress seizures, repair damaged brain regions, and understand how stem cells integrate into epileptic neural circuits.


Signals for improved future seizure predictions

Prototype animation

Automated analysis of stem cell imaging data

Prototype animation


Coretex DAO Token

Token presale

ETH Wallet Address: 0x08e0Fa852531aee5f8069365003d162EFFc02428

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Cortex is a company founded by Daniel KALU with a mission to cure epilepsy.

We are currently seeking to hire Engineers and Researchers that share our vision and would like to help build the next generation of tools to help people suffering from epilepsy. We are in the early stages of building, and plan on sharing more information soon! If you are interested in joining, please get in touch

You can follow us on X at Cortex

Partnership inquiries

For any business-related topics, including support, please contact us at